In the heart of New York City, amidst the urban grandeur, a wedding unfolds like a dream come true. Against the stunning backdrop of the city skyline, love blossomed beautifully, framed by the meticulous floral design by Bruce. Each arrangement, from lush green foliage to vibrant blooms, was carefully crafted to enhance the romance of the day.
Photographer @joeywang__ captured every magical moment with an artistic eye, showcasing how the florals intertwined with the couple's love story. The venue, @publichotels, provided a chic and contemporary setting that perfectly complemented the elegant floral arrangements. With makeup and hair by Yaoyao and seamless planning by Neo, the day was orchestrated to perfection.
From the exquisite floral design to the breathtaking views of New York, every detail of this wedding was a testament to enduring love and beauty. The city itself became a part of their love story, with its vibrant energy mirrored in the blooms and the celebration.